CG SHORT#3

    Read for Fun! Open Your Mind Reading has a way of stretching the mind. In fact, did you know that reading for fun may help your […]
  • CG SHORT #2

    CG SHORT #2

    Using Rules to Reach Goals Did you know that rules and consequences at home also may improve your child’s learning at school? That’s a fascinating nugget […]
  • CognitiveGenesis Brochure

    CognitiveGenesis Brochure

    We’ve replaced the Achieve, Believe, and Succeed brochures with one designed to complement the bookazine. This one page, tri-fold brochure is 8.5″ x 5.5″ when folded […]
  • CognitiveGenesis Bookazine

    CognitiveGenesis Bookazine

    Don’t miss the opportunity to share with everyone the benefits of Adventist Education! The 15-page bookazine was designed to present the results of the CognitiveGenesis study in a concise and […]