What is the CognitiveGenesis study?
CognitiveGenesis is a comprehensive study assessing various factors associated with academic performance of elementary and secondary students in Seventh-day Adventist schools in the North American Division. The achievement levels are compared to national norms. *
* The achievement and ability tests used in Canada, though similar, are not identical to the tests used in the other eight unions and are based on a different national norm group. For the purpose of this FAQ, the information presented here refers to the United States and Bermuda.)
What is a norm group?
A norm referenced test is one that compares how a student, school, or district is doing on a test to that of other students, schools, or districts in the same age or grade group. The norm group is the representative sample of peers of the same age or the same grade in school with which to compare students.
What tests are involved in the CognitiveGenesis study?
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS), gr. 3-8.
Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITED), gr. 9 and 11
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), gr. 3-9 and 11.
What norms are available for the CognitiveGenesis study to use?
National norms for 2000 and 2005 for ITBS/ITED/CogAT
Catholic/Private (C/P) school norms for 2000 for ITBS/ITED.
No other norms exist for either religious or private schools.
What is the description of the National norms and the Catholic/Private (CP) school norms?
The National norm group includes students from public schools (90%), Catholic schools (5%), and private, non-Catholic schools (5%).
The C/P norm group includes students from Catholic schools (50%) and students from other religious and private schools (50%).
What norms were selected for reporting the results of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) school testing?
After careful study and consideration, the CognitiveGenesis Research Team selected the 2005 National norms to use in the CognitiveGenesis study.
Why did CognitiveGenesis choose the 2005 National norms?
Criteria for selection were based on appropriateness and adequacy. In addition, the most recent norm was selected so as to be contemporary with students in the CognitiveGenesis study.
In what ways is the National normed group more appropriate to the SDA group?
Group composed of:
[table id=3 /]
Stratified on the basis of:
[table id=2 /]
On the basis of this comparison, the National norm group represents a group more appropriate to the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) group than the Catholic/Private(C/P) group.
Another reason favoring the selection of the National norms is that the C/P norms are so heavily populated by students in Catholic schools. Few SDA parents make a decision between sending their child to a Catholic school or a SDA school. The more common choice is a local public school, a private school or a religious school that is not Catholic.
In what way is the National normed group more adequate for the SDA group?
Tests included in norms:
[table id=4 /]
The CognitiveGenesis study uses the CogAT. The C/P norms do not have the CogAT.
The CognitiveGenesis study is intended to show more than just a student’s achievement as measured on the ITBS/ITED. The use of the CogAt provides a better understanding of a particular type of achievement known as developed ability, which predicts achievement. The National norms are more adequate because they include the CogAT.