Our study is assessing the achievement level in Adventist schools compared to national norms, and the student, parent, teacher, or school factors associated with academic performance of elementary and secondary students in Adventist schools across the North American Division.
Robert J. Cruise, Ph.D., Research Team
Study Design
Surveys were given to students, parents, teachers, and school administrators to measure how variables from different groups relate to achievement and ability. The student's ability as measured by the CogAT test is used as a control variable in the study. CognitiveGenesis is examining student achievement compared to what would be expected or predicted, given the ability level of each student. The primary focus of CognitiveGenesis is to look at achievement in SDA schools (measured by the ITBS/ITED) as an outcome variable and how it is related to achievement in all schools in the national norm. A secondary focus was to look at ability of students in SDA schools as an outcome variable in order to answer the following questions: Does the ability of the students change while attending an Adventist school? What are the factors related to that change?
Data Collection Timeline
Surveys were distributed and collected from all 4 groups starting in the 2006-2007 school year and ending in the 2008-2009 school year. CogAT and ITBS/ITED scores were obtained beginning in the 2006-2007 school year and ending in the 2009-2010 school year.
Please note: CognitiveGenesis (CG, CogGen) is different from CogAT. CognitiveGenesis is the name of the research project and CogAT is the name of one of the cognitive abilities tests. CognitiveGenesis does not distribute, collect, or report results for the tests (ITBS/ITED or CogAT). Students took the test at their school and the school was responsible for returning the tests to Riverside Publishing. CognitiveGenesis obtained the test results from Riverside Publishing and correlated them with the data it collected through the surveys.We have nothing to hide and everything to learn.
Kelly Bock, Ed.D., VP for Education, Washington Conference and Former Director of Education, Pacific Union Conference